Esther Rogoway

Esther Rogoway has lived and studied in a variety of geographic environments that many artists would find exciting, inspirational and in some instances even mystical.  These locales have become a part of her spirit, but it is from her inner soul that Esther creates her works of art that can be said possess a surreal mystique. It is her intent to draw us deep into our own subconscious world of feeling when we view her creations.  Her images present us with a swirl of color and form, offering the viewer an abstraction of reality that reminds one of being in a dream scape where everything is somewhat familiar, yet ebbs and slows with a rhythm of its own.  Her figures, primarily those of horses and people are easily recognizable, but the nature of each composition speaks more of an inner world of feeling and imagination rather than to the outer world of reality.  Although you can identify the subjects, they appear to only partly be there, each painting tells a story, but the actual interpretation is in the eye of the beholder.  Her bold use of color is pure and there is an elegant balance between opposites, or in some cases, the painting exhibits more of subtle blending of compatible colors.

Esther’s work is represented in Arizona by Wilde Meyer Galleries.  Click on any piece to enlarge it.