Linda Carter Holman
Linda Carter Holman brings a vibrantly rich world to life. In Carter Holman’s art, the viewer senses an excitement for life where a simple act or seemingly mundane task and makes it interesting. A cow grazing, a squirrel gathering nuts, or a beautiful young woman reading a book, coalesce in a scene to evoke special feelings, bringing new meaning to these actions. Lush and beautiful and full of vivid detail, Carter Holman’s works are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they also challenge the viewer by creating new perspective on life.
Linda’s work is represented in Arizona by Wilde Meyer Galleries. Click on any piece to enlarge it.

Truly Linda Carter Holman 20" x 16" oil on canvas $4200

Magpie & the Tiger Linda Carter Holman 20" x 16" oil on canvas $4200

Along the Red Book Road Linda Carter Holman 30" x 30" oil on canvas $6400

These Sweet Days Linda Carter Holman 30" x 30" oil on canvas $6400

Aria in a Golden Room Linda Carter Holman 40" x 38" oil on canvas $8600

Four Doves N'Sun Linda Carter Holman 32" x 52" oil on canvas $10,500

Here on the Journey Full Open Linda Carter Holman 32" x 40" oil on canvas $8600

Journey to Mount Fuji Linda Carter Holman 48" x 40" oil on canvas $10,500

The Witness Linda Carter Holman 18" x 18" oil on canvas $4200

In Chorus Linda Carter Holman 20" x 20" oil on canvas $4200

A Quiet Spot Linda Carter Holman 54" x 40" oil on canvas $10,500

The Source Linda Carter Holman 36" x 30" oil on canvas $7200

Passing Over Linda Carter Holman 40" x 40" oil on canvas $8600

Dear One Linda Carter Holman 52" x 40" oil on canvas $10,500

Where Little Fishes Fly Linda Carter Holman 20" x 20" oil on canvas $4200

Flowering in Solitude Linda Carter Holman 20" x 20" oil on canvas $5200

Evocation to Life Linda Carter Holman 40" x 40" oil on canvas $8600

Invitation Linda Carter Holman 48" x 72" oil on canvas $14,600