Wilde Meyer Gallery, Jane Hamilton Fine Art, and Karimi Rugs present another Sizzling Saturday Art Marketplace. Several painters will be demonstrating their techniques. Enjoy fine art paintings and a wonderful variety of sculpture displayed inside and around the gorgeous Plaza Colonial grounds. Also showing a weaving demonstration by Judith Shangold, painted scarves by Lawrence Peter, Jewelry by Adriana Walker, and more. Affinity Kitchens, Baron Paris, Wild Garlic Grill and others will be open. Sign up to win a beautiful 200 year old hand carved Chinese roof support.
Chinese Wood Carving
200 year old Camphor wood
Also on display will be work by our wonderful painters, jewelers, and craftspeople.
Wilde Meyer Gallery
2890 E Skyline Drive, Suite 170, Tucson
520-615-5222 | info@wildemeyer.com